Thursday, November 18, 2010

Day 3

9:00am: Last night they took some blood, some X Rays, checked up on Lili again. Today she will get her chest tube out, another X Ray, and an Echocardiogram. Lili is of normal personality. Lots of smiles.

9:35am: Lili was given some Morphine to prep the chest tube removal.

10:00am: Chest tube is out! First look at incision without the gauze on it.

10:11am: Lili is getting an Echocardiogram.

11:20am: Echo is finished. Cardiologist says everything looks great.

12:30pm: Lili was taken for a chest X Ray.

1:56pm: Lili sits up for the first time post op. She will be going home on Friday!

2:30pm: Erin holds Lili for the first time post op. Lili has been very active and has been blowing raspberries at us.

2:45pm: Mike and Grandma Mimi pry Lili away from Mommy long enough to hold her themselves.

5:24pm: Erin and I will be on Star 94 in Atlanta Friday morning at 10:30am to tell Lili's story. They are having a radiothon to raise money for Children's Healthcare of Atlanta.

8:30pm: They took the IV out of Lili's arm. Her left hand is now all unwrapped. It was like a new toy for her. She was amazed by seeing her hand again.

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