Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Asshole Of The Week

The Asshole Of The Week award has to go to my dog Daisy. Erin woke up and started getting Shannon dressed this morning. Daisy woke up a few minutes later, followed Erin down the stairs and promptly pissed all over the carpet in the living room. No pee pee dance, no whining, no nothing.

Not only did she piss on the carpet but she pissed right in the spot that Shannon likes to lay down at when she is watching TV.

The carpet cleaners come on Thursday. So I'll be spending the rest of the night gathering everything off the floor and getting it out of the way.


Anonymous said...

That's why I don't have pets. No offense to your dog, but boy do I hate animals.

Anonymous said...

You pissed on me. You pissed on my rug. You pissed of my wife. You pissed on my beautiful baby girl.