Thursday, February 22, 2007

What Is A Hernia???

I ran track and played baseball while I was in high school. Part of playing on a school team was getting a sports physical before you could participate. All we knew about it was we had to go to the nurse and some guy would put his hand down our pants and tell us to cough. Every one of us dreaded it. The guys hand was always cold.

After Googleing hernia this is the definition I got. "A hernia occurs when the contents of a body cavity bulge out of the area where they are normally contained." Basically when a part of your intestine breaks through a thin layer of your abdominal muscle.

After going to see a general surgeon today I found out that the pain I've been feeling in my lower right abdomen for the past week was in fact, a hernia. Technically it is called an inguinal hernia.

The good news is I get to miss 2 weeks of work and still get paid. The bad news is I need an operation. The surgeon has to make a 4 centimeter incision and basically sew a patch of mesh over the hole so that the intestine can't get out.

Recovery time is 4 weeks with the first week made up entirely of bed rest and pain meds. I should find out on Friday when the surgery will be.


PVision said...

Fudge. That blows man.

Anonymous said...

Dude, I had a double hernia (one on each side) which I was diagnosed with my senior year of high school. I was told they were small and didn't need immediate attention. So I kept putting it off...had a couple of other doctors along the way also note it....

Finally in Binghamton about 4 years after diagnosis, I went to a surgeon to get it fixed. He had me standing up, lying down (VERY uncomfortable to be lying down, and having him jam his fingers up your balls into some 'ring' least if you are standing up, you have the floor to provide resistance)...anyway...he did a VERY thorough exam and said, 'you do NOT have a hernia'.

And that was the end of that. I healed myself. I am powerful. Like the hot girl in Heroes, I self heal. It's a good time.

Anonymous said...

Oh man---sorry to hear it buddy! Let me know when the surgery is...

They thought i had one but it turned i didn't. Ironically-i've been having lower abdominal pain...and went to the Doc. yesterday. The Doc. brought a hot medical student in with her. I was pscyhed and tried to flirt with the med student. That ended quickly when the Doc. proceeded to give me a rectal exam with the hot medical student watching. Not fun. Not fun.

Anonymous said...

man....I hope you feel better soon Mike!

On a lighter note, I made that mashed potato pie, and it was great. A big hit, thank you!


Brian said...

Sorry to hear. I hope everything goes nice and smoothly. At least the surgery will end the pain