Tuesday, August 28, 2007

A Big Step Forward

For the past few days Shannon has gone completly "nooch" less. She was still getting her pacifier for naps and bedtime. Since going back to daycare she wasn't getting it for naps, so last Wednesday we decided to not give it to her at night.

We were prepared for a long night of crying and general unpleasantness, but to our surprise it was fairly minimal. There was some protest complaints but she seemed to calm herself down enough to fall asleep.

Each night we take her to bed she complains a little but eventually falls asleep. This is huge for us cause the nooch was her most cherished belonging. Taking it away from her would be like taking the blanket away from Linus. This is something she fell in love with when she was only hours old, so you can imagaine the attachment to it.

So for now things look good. Up next, potty training.

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