Two Sundays ago the whole family went pumpkin picking. We went to
Berry Patch Farms which was the same place we went to last year.
It is a small farm that has a few baby animals like pigs, cows, and chickens on display. Shannon got a kick out of seeing them since she is currently learning her farm animals. She seems to have cow down pretty well.

You get to take a hay ride out to the pumpkin patch. All the pumpkins are picked already and laid out in a large field. As you walk through the patch they left a bunch of the tiny pumpkins laying around so kids could pick them up.

Shannon had a great time picking one up and then putting it down and picking up another. After a while she finally found one that was to her liking.
It took us a little while to find a good pumpking but we finally did. We took the hay ride back and paid for our new orange squash. On the ride home the pumpkin started rolling around the back and the stem broke off. This broke my heart cause I always love having a good stem on top.

We carve it up on Tuesday.
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