6:30am: Lili is given a drink that will make her sleepy. She will then be given a breathing mask that will put her to sleep.
7:24am: Lili is taken back for surgery. Actual procedure will take place around 9am.
10:11am: Just got a call from the OR. Lili is now on the heart and lung bypass and the repairs are being made. Everything going as expected.
11:22am: They are closing up now. Everything still as expected. Surgeon coming out to talk to us soon.
11:40am: Just talked to the Surgeon. He said everything went well. Her heart rate is fine. No pacemaker needed. She will still be on a ventilator till later today. We can see her in an hour.
2:00pm: Lili is now in the CICU. Just saw her for the first time post op. She is still asleep and looks very peaceful.
3:00pm: Erin and I met with a social worker to go over the next few days. Lili is breathing well on her own. She is almost breathing as much as the vent is.
5:25pm: Not much to update. Lili has turned on her side a few times. She is still being sedated and given meds to address any pain. Erin and her mom will be sleeping at the hospital tonight.
7:45pm: Lili's breathing tube is out! She is now sleeping with just a nasal cannula. Blood pressure is a little high, but that is normal after surgery. They are giving her meds for it. She may be out of the CICU tomorrow!
10:00pm: Lili now has the NG tube and nose cannula out.

1 comment:
Thanks for thr blog and up dates Mike. Uncle John
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