Monday, June 18, 2007

Lots Going On

I'm sure Patry is pissed at me for my blog absence of late but I swear I have been really busy. Don't hate me Dave. :)

June 6th thru the 8th I spent in New York City. Went up to the Time Warner Center to see how the Vista software is run in New York compared to how I run it here in Atlanta. I also got a tour of the whole place including all the sets and control rooms. As part of my trip I also got to sit in while the night time shows were being produced. It was a nice way to spend 3 days and have the company pay for it.

Other things:

  • Saw Ezra twice during my trip. The first night we went out for some drinks at one of his favorite bars and caught the Yankees, Mets, and saw the Ducks win the Stanley Cup. On my third day there we went to an Irish pub for lunch.
  • Second day I met up with my dad and step mom for lunch. Had my first Whole Foods experience for dinner. Good, fresh food and the place was packed.
  • I stayed at the Hudson Hotel. Second time I've stayed here. First was for Lof's bachelor party. Strange hotel with its modern look. The room was really small and the place was crawling with Europeans.


Last week Erin, Shannon, and I spent in Buffalo. I flew home from New York on Saturday, took the train back to my car, drove home, dumped my dirty clothes and packed some clean ones, dropped Daisy off at Buck's house, and then flew to Buffalo. Very busy day. Luckily all the flights were on time and everything went like clockwork and just as planned.

Got to spend time with my dad, brother, and two step mothers. Shannon loved all the attention from the grandparents and all the gifts.

Most of the week was spent finding different things to entertain Shannon with. She had a play date that my step mom set up where she did her first finger painting, swam and splashed in a kiddie pool, and went to a place called Leaps N' Bounce. Leaps N' Bounce was basically this warehouse filled with these blow up moon bounce kind of things. Shannon had a great time running around and Erin and I even joined in on the bouncing. Shannon really liked the ones that had slides to them.

Played golf (for the first time in 9 years) with my dad and brother. We played best ball or else we would have been there all day. Only did 9 holes and I played as rusty as I should have been. I did have one nice shot on a hole we played twice. The first time I played it I hit two balls into the water. Second time we played it I drove the ball right onto the green with a 5 iron.

On Friday we went into Canada and spent the day at Niagara On The Lake. Really nice English style town with shops and restaurants. Kind of the place that Port Jeff should be like but they could never pull it off. They also had a park with a water fountain. Kids were playing in it so we stripped Shannon down to her diaper and she had a great time splashing and chasing the other kids around.

Erin and I even got to go out and see two movies. While Shannon slept the grandparents kept watched and we snuck out the the theater. We saw Knocked Up and Oceans 13. We liked Knocked Up, it was funny, but thought it could have been a little shorter. Oceans 13 was a little slow and just didn't seem to be as fun as the first one was.

Finally.....Opie and Anthony are back on XM and all is right with the world again.

1 comment:

buck1311975 said...

look at you on the whole food wagon now. once you eat it you will never go back to any thing else