Thursday, May 1, 2008


I finally joined those lucky souls that have HD at home. We have an HDTV in our bedroom so I decided to upgrade. Erin paid for the $200 upgrade and it goes down as my Fathers Day/Birthday present.

The guys that Directv sent over were scheduled to be at my house at 4pm. They showed up at 2:30pm. I locked Daisy in the garage and they went to work.

I removed my older box and moved that into Shannon's room. So now she has a DVR that can record 100 hours of Dora if she wants it. One guy started to hook up the HD box and the other guy began putting up the new dish. They had to remove the old dish from the side of my house and put the new one up on the roof.

All went well and when it was time to check everything there was a problem. The HD box wasn't recognizing my second satellite line in. So the guy went back outside and did some things and came back and still no 2nd line. He reset the box. Still no 2nd line.

The whole time I'm just kinda hanging out in the room reading up on the HD box and checking out the work. He resets the box again and still no 2nd line. I think look behind the TV and notice another coax cable going nowhere. So I ask, "What about that cable? Is that the VCR coax or the 2nd line." He tells me he is sure it is the 2nd line and checks again.

He follows the cables again and.....HE HAD THE VCR COAX GOING INTO THE SATELLITE BOX INSTEAD OF HAVING THE SATELLITE COAX THAT WAS COMING IN FROM THE WALL. As soon as he switches the wires out and resets the 2nd line was back.

The moral of the story is if something doesn't work, always check the easiest solution. It may actually be the problem and you might save some time. In this guys case, he would have saved himself an hour and not looked like an idiot in front of a customer.

Either way my HD is hooked up and I'm ready to watch TV the way it was meant to be watched.

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