Saturday, February 17, 2007

Getting Off The Pacifier

Today marks the 3rd day that Shannon has gone without her pacifier. This doesn't include nap and sleep time where we are giving it back to her. We aren't that crazy. When it comes to Erin and I sleeping, Shannon can have it. She used to spend the majority of the day with the pacifier in her mouth, so this is a dramatic cut back for her.

So far so good. She has been putting other things in her mouth like books, toys, stuffed animals, clothing, and her hand but she hasn't been complaining too much. This kid is so smart she goes over to where we keep the pacifiers and reaches up to let us know what she wants. As long as we can distract her with her favorite show or food, the pacifier urge goes away she is fine.

The ultimate goal is to get her completely off of the pacifier before her 2nd birthday. We have less than 5 months to go.

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