Sunday, February 25, 2007

March 5th

Surgery is set for March 5th. It is outpatient so I'll be home the same day. I have to be at the hospital 2 hours before and the procedure takes an hour.

The doctor told me it will take 4 weeks to fully heal and that the first two are the most uncomfortable. Not sure which will be worse. Being in more pain than I am now to fix the problem, or the boredom of being stuck in my bed for 2 weeks.

My family has offered to come down and help out with Shannon while I'm laid up. That was very nice to offer. I'm sure Erin will gladly accept any help that she can get.

I was excited to find a few sports radio podcasts from New York while trolling through the iTunes Music Store the other day. I love listening to New York sports talk but it is a little hard to find in Atlanta. So I've been listening to segments from the Mike and The Mad Dog show as well as Michael Kay. So at least I'll have those to entertain me while I'm recovering.


Brian said...

Good luck tomorrow. Hope it all goes well. Also, to keep you entertained with all things Yankees, there's a great blog you should check out: He constantly updates spring training games as well as posts audio clips from a lot of interviews with the players. Good stuff.

Anonymous said...

Dont worry about a thing dude, I had the same thing done about 5 years ago. Took probably 4 days to get better, after that you'll just be a little sore. But now it will be cool, like you've got a metalic mesh strip. I mean just the first step to becoming the bionic man.